Everything will be allright / 2012

In 2012 I got the commission to make an object for the winner of the Strack van Schijndel Price: a price for the best doctor-tutor at the VU university medical centre. Everything will be alright is the name of this object which, in swaying from side to side, finds its balance. It is a play of gravity.
The objects are made up of alabaster and burnt balsa wood. Two materials with opposite qualities: heavy and hard versus light and soft. And yet they form a unity.
horizon / 2010

2 commissioned paintings for the Eye Hospital, Rotterdam (NL)
> acrylic on linen and wool, gold-leaf / 110 x 120 cm

together / 2008
This brooch is the result of a commission in 2008 to make a special brooch for the Ruby Wedding Anniversary (40 years) of an English couple. The name of the brooch is together.
155 objects for NS Vastgoed / 2005

NS Vastgoed in Utrecht (NL) asked me, on the occasion of their 10 th anniversary, to develop an object, a present for the entire staff of the company. The object ‘Home’ looks like a solid building, made out of the extreme light balsawood. Burned, painted and covered with gold leaf, the wood gets tactile and precious and becomes a little sculpture.

For the head office of the ING bank in Amsterdam, (architects: Meyer and van Schooten and Trude Hooykaas Group for the interior design) I worked in cooperation with Reynoud Homan to create 12 carpets for 12 meeting rooms.
Each meeting room has its own identity, named after a country or part of the world. I used aerial photographs of each of the countries to select the colours for the respective carpets. Due to a low budget and a pressure of time, the carpets were machine-made. The colours were reduced to 2 characteristic colours per country; each colour in itself has 3 tones, that is why the colours of the carpets are very intense and vivid.
The Mediterranée-carpet has turquoise and sand colours; warm yellow and red belongs to Mexico and the USA is represented by cool blue and pale yellow.
veldzicht / 1999

‘Rijksgebouwendienst’ commissioned an art work for the prison ‘Veldzicht’ in Balkbrug. The prisoners stay there for a long time (about 9 years). The undulant motion as a symbol of the time was the starting point for making 5 objects. In a central position on the wall is ‘the golden wave’ (120 x 60 cm), an object painted and covered with gold leaf. A pyramid- like object is hanging on the highest point, thousand of pins glancing in the paint.
golden carpet for the De Lairesse room / 1998-2001

‘Rijksgebouwendienst’ commissioned a carpet, covering the floor of the ‘De Lairesse’ room in the ‘Binnenhof’ in The Hague, the place where the Dutch government is located. The hall is adorned with 7 big paintings of the 17th century Dutch painter De Lairessse.
The carpet (7 x 7,5 meters) is made by hand with the ‘tuft-technique’. With this technique it is possible to create a painting-like carpet. The colours (browns, greens and yellow ochre) melt away and give the carpet a golden look. Touches of colours from the paintings on the wall are brought together in 4 big squares in the middle of the carpet. The borders of the carpet are slightly blue, and slowly rises up out of the gold.
curtain / 1993

The province ‘Flevoland’ commissioned an artwork in the Flevoland-hall of the provincial government building in Lelystad, to provide them with the possibility to conceal a projection screen. On a white transparent cloth, 14 meters long and 5 meters high, hanging from a slight curve in front of the projection screen, 32 squares of 30 x 30 cm were locally prepared and painted on both sides with acrylic paint. These 32 paintings have their own rhythm, both in terms of their placing and in their painting. Imprisoned in the cloth, they move when the curtain is opened or closed. On the opposite wall, 8 three-dimensional objects have been placed, varying in size, form and texture. As playful counterparts of the strict rhythm on the cloth, they appear to control the curtain. In 2009 the building was renovated and the curtain removed. Part of the curtain is was donated to the Textile Museum. The objects still belong to the art collection of the Provincie huis.
passerel / 1992-1993

The Nederlandsche Bank commissioned a work of art for a ‘passerel’ in the newer part of their main building on the Frederiksplein in Amsterdam.
The passerel is a small passageway of 3 by 5 meters, constructed out of red system panels. On these panels I placed 9 objects, 3 next to one another and 3 above one another. (the smallest object is 8 x 8 x 5 cm, the largest is a square of 40 x 40 x 5 cm). A soft airbrush line marks their position on the red wall. The cushion-like objects are built up out of a wooden framework, stretched with foam rubber and canvas and prepared as a painting.
Each separate piece has its own tactility, made up of a combination of acrylic paint, gold leaf, sand and pins. Together they form a family.

for Fuggerhaus (D) / 1987-1990

for Fuggerhaus (D) / 1991-1993

(collection Museum of Art and Design) for WK-Textil (D) / 1989-1990

for Fuggerhaus (D) / 1996-1997

for Fuggerhaus (D) / 1985-1989

for WK-Textil (D) / 1993-1996

for Creazoni Massarelli (It) / 1982-1987

for Wardeh Salehya Est / 1988-1993

for Tulipan (D), Ausbrenner fabric / 1983-1985

for Weverij de Ploeg (NL) / 2000-2001
From 1980 till 1997 I worked as a freelance designer for Taunus Textildruck GmbH & Co KG in Oberursel (D). They were specialized in printing high quality interior fabrics for different labels. In this way many of my drawings and paintings were translated into textiles.
In 2001 I donated all the realized fabrics and designs to the Textile Museum in Tilburg (NL).

for Auping 1996-1997

for Auping 1996-1997

for Auping 1999-2000

for Auping 1999-2000

for Ideens / Auping 1995-1996

for Ideens / Auping 1995-1996

for Ideens/Auping 1993-1994

for Ideens / Auping 1995-1996

for Ideens/Auping 1992-1993