
a time of seeing, 366 works / days

capturing 40 years of my work, jewellery and paintings.
It is a limited edition of 500 copies, numbered and signed with a hand-embroidered stitch.

dimension: 14.8 x 14.8 cm / 378 pages
ISBN 978-90-803081-5-2
design: Martijn Homan

The publication is in the form of a calendar: every page is a day of the year, featuring one of my jewellery pieces together with an painting.

Two different types of “time” converge in the book: linear calendar time, running from day to day, and the creation date of the featured jewellery piece or object.

een tijd van zien,
366 dagen / 366 werken

Het boek omvat 40 jaar werk, sieraden en schilderijen. oplage  500, genummerd en gesigneerd met een borduursteek.

maat: 14.8 x 14.8 cm /  378 blz.
ISBN 978-90-803081-5-2
vormgeving: Martijn Homan

Het is een kalender boek: elke blz is een dag van het jaar met daarop een sieraad of een schilderij.
In het boek lopen 2 tijden door elkaar. De kalender tijd dendert lineair door van dag tot dag. De andere tijd is de datering van het werk, het moment waarop het werk ontstaan is.
price: 24.50 euro plus porto

on the way / 2016

The new artist book of Beppe Kessler, on the way,
shows a selection of the jewellery pieces she made since 2010.

The dutch poet K.Schippers wrote, inspired by the work, a long poem for the book. (English/NL). Each book is unique because BK made small saw-incisions, the same way she works in her jewellery. It is an edition of 500 copies, numbered and signed.

download poem – english (pdf)
download poem – dutch (pdf)

text / K. Schippers  design / Reynoud Homan  photography / Thijs Quispel, Oosthuizen en  Beppe Kessler, Amsterdam  Lithography / Marc Gijzen, Voorburg  translation / Andrew May, Amsterdam  printing / Lenoir Schuring, Amstelveen  binding / Patist, Den Dolder

©2016 beppe kessler / edition 500 numbered and signed copies  96 pages, 51 artworks
ISBN  978-90-803081-0-7
published by / Beppe Kessler, Amsterdam

Copies may be ordered from:
beppe kessler / buiksloterweg 11 / 1031 cd amsterdam (NL)
price: 32.50 euro plus porto

book beppe kessler / 2010

Two books, beppe kessler and kessler beppe were published in 2010,
in a limited edition of 400 (paintings) and 600 (jewelry) copies.

They are held together by a cardboard strip.
Designed by Reynoud Homan and printed by Lenoirschuring.
The texts are written by Anneke Oele and Liesbeth den Besten.
Artist signature and copy number are handwritten on the cover.

Copies may be ordered from:

beppe kessler / buiksloterweg 11 / 1031 cd amsterdam (NL)
price: 30,- euro plus porto / for both books: 55,- euro plus porto

de omkering - inversions / 2003

The book de omkering / inversions was published in 2003 in a limited edition of 500 numbered copies.

Designed by Reynoud Homan together with beppe kessler (outside).
Printed by Rosbeek. The text is written by Gert Staal.

There are 2 different versions of the cover. One with a photograph of the hand of the artist (front) and her father (back). The other version with the hand of her husband (front) and her mother (back).
The book was, in this way, dedicated to husband and both parents.

Each cover features embroidery on top of the photograph. Artist’s signature and the copy number are handwritten on the front cover. The book contains paintings, a carpet and jewellery. It has been nominated for the best Dutch book designs.

A few copies of this edition are still available.

the white book / 1996

The (white) book beppe kessler was published in 1996, in a limited edition of 500 numbered copies.

Designed by Reynoud Homan together with beppe kessler (outside)
Printed by Rosbeek. The text is written by Michaja Langelaan.

Each book has a unique cover, as the book binding differs from version to version.
The linen cover features the artist’s signature and the copy number, handwritten. Underneath the linen fabric, little objects are hidden. The book contains paintings and jewellery. It has been nominated for the best Dutch book designs.

The edition is sold out.

zinnespelen / 1992

The (black) book zinnespelen was published in 1992, in a limited edition of 500 numbered copies.

Designed by Reynoud Homan together with beppe kessler (outside)
Printed by Rosbeek. The text is written, among others, by Marjan Unger.

Each book is unique: the cover features a frame (5 x 5 cm) behind which a one-of-a-kind piece of textile or painted paper is attached. The book has been bound with 5 different kind of endpapers. The book contains objects, jewellery and interior fabrics.

The edition is sold out.

for ever

What if you suddenly hear that you are ill…
What do you do afterwards, when you are totally ok again, what do you want to say and make, how to start?
Come back.

What do you do with all those half things that lie in drawers, stored in boxes: damaged, broken, kept, worthless and of value.

Jewelry that you no longer wear, made of gold or silver, worn links, broken clasps. There are memories…. A medallion of horn, inlaid with silver and mother-of-pearl, worn daily as a teenager in their heyday, the 1960s, just like the gold link bracelet.
A precious coral brooch you never wore, too much of a jewel, too fine.
Cufflinks, received as a keepsake.

But also a damaged Japanese lacquer box, an ebony violin key.
A milk tooth, no idea whose.
A jat that you don’t know how you got it.
Shells and pieces of coral collected by your mother in Indonesia in the late 1940s.
Tin figures.
The charm chain full of silver creatures, people, things, objects around your neck, each with their meaning. Ringing worn and cherished.

I’m putting them all back in the spotlight. I prefer to immortalize them forever.
I isolate or disassemble them, I combine them and give them a second life in a composition with pearls and rabbit droppings sprinkled in between. Together they grow into new, tiny stories in the form of a brooch. New life.

© Beppe Kessler